Well Okay Then Exactly What I was Thinking VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait...Rating: 8.6/10 (48 votes cast)
PS NO NERDS (NSFW maybe) You'd think he'd want a Nerd Girl VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait...Rating: 7.7/10 (20 votes cast)
Truly Epic Photo of an Elephant Diver Elephant Diver VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait...Rating: 8.8/10 (29 votes cast)
Why Men Shouldn’t Write Advice Columns Solid Advice VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait...Rating: 9.7/10 (126 votes cast)
Damn Nature! You Scary! I'd be no where near that fucking thing VN:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait...Rating: 9.2/10 (40 votes cast)